Wednesday 26 August 2009

The Work From Home Scams , Part 2

Everyvody has faced now and then ads that tell you that it is amazingly easy to make money over the internet. Work from home ads promising you $$$$$$$$$ money . DO NOT FALL for that ...
Lets see ... These websites try to convince you by mixing the truth with lies. The truth is that , YES there are on-line marketing systems that pay you to show advertisments through your website. This requires that you do have a website . In these systems you are getting paid for the clicks on the ads they provided for you or for the number of impressions these are shown.
In order to make the amount of money these "companies" promise you , you need to have thousands of visitors in your website and most important , clicking on your ads. This is difficult for starters and cannot be the work of 1 week to create so many viewers and therefore money .

The most common scam of this category is the "Google money making bla bla bla..." Websites promising you that by buying their e-books or applications you will create a fortune with google. Google is not paying you for automated clicks on ads and they are smart enough to recognise these kind of illegal applications. So avoid any kind of online marketing system that you have to pay for. Examples to AVOID given:

Google's official website marketing system is adsense and only by using that you can have a profit. it is not a matter of additional software the amount of money you make but just your web visitors and clicks on your ads.

There is ofcourse lots of theory behind it regarding positioning of ads , colouring and customization over the content of your website but you dont have to pay for all that. Google provides you with written tutorials and videos on how to achieve maximum effect on your revenues.
Thank you very much for your time , feel free to ask me questions on on-line products
and how this system works rather than buy random stuff over the internet.
As always , have fun and ... DO NOT FALL FOR THAT