Saturday 21 November 2009

Another Windows 7 Scam - E-Mail Fraud

Lately I've been targeting my posts on the new Windows 7 release. People or companies that want to damage you are taking the opportunity of this massive release to update their list of victims. For those that have already installed and/or updated to Windows 7 you might be enticed by an e-mail that wants you to confirm your Windows 7 Licence so that you MS Office will be activated. Something like that is not needed and you will be redirected to a malicious virus included web site.


Subject: Email List -- Requires Confirmation
From: "Microsoft Office for Windows 7"
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:00:29 -0800
To: <*******>
Priority: Normal
Message Header | Printable Version
[Plain Text]
Dear ,
Click the link below to automatically confirm your subscription to the Microsoft Office for Windows 7 Email List:
Confirm Your Subscription You have 30 days to submit your confirmation. If you do not want to join, simply do not respond. To find out the exact date and location your email address was entered, follow the link below:
How was I added? If you think your email address may have been used without your consent, follow the link below: Report Abuse Thank You, Microsoft Office for Windows 7

Avoid this scam and have a beautiful day !!