Tuesday 17 November 2009

Windows 7 Scam !!! Watch Out

As I promised to inform you about the newest on line scams I announce this one. There is a new trend on receiving e-mails offering you free copies of Windows 7 FOR FREE ... As you all know , nothing is FOR FREE ... So , don't fall for that either cause the redirected link that the email is going to send you is probably a malicious one. People are trying to magnetize others to their viruses and spyware websites and they will try to reach for you with every method you can imagine. So , don't follow any link that protests for a free copy of Windows 7 among with their serial numbers cracks etc...

Another so called , Windows 7 Scam is the fact that some other bloggers announce windows 7 as a backturn to Windows XP ... Or Windows Vista SP 2.1 .... None are true and since there is no objectivity on blogging anyone can right anything. Just be aware that Windows 7 is a completely new OS and as every new software it might have some bugs. Personaly I'll update to Windows 7 the day that the 1st big update will come up.

See ya, Jave a nice day and ,,, DON'T FALL FOR THAT.